Every AFF is here for their own business.
A Sponsor is a great advantage. SFI even provides a Co-Sponsor with some of the same capabilities. If no Sponsor, or Co-Sponsor is responsive to an AFF needs (knowledge, strategies, advices) then that AFF has the Forum, the ASK SC sections and the upline.
There is a Sponsor on that Sponsor and so on. That AFF can contact any of the upline members.
If a Sponsor is not reponsive and is inactive, in one year will loose that AFF, and AFF will be reasigned to the Sponsors Sponsor.
If a Co-Sponsor is inactive, that AFF will get a new Co-Sponsor sooner.
The main thing is that every AFF is here on his own and is free to build his own team.
There is on restriction to that if he has no active Sponsor ....
Be strong and stay strong!
Every AFF is here for their own business.
A Sponsor is a great advantage. SFI even provides a Co-Sponsor with some of the same capabilities. If no Sponsor, or Co-Sponsor is responsive to an AFF needs (knowledge, strategies, advices) then that AFF has the Forum, the ASK SC sections and the upline.
There is a Sponsor on that Sponsor and so on. That AFF can contact any of the upline members.
If a Sponsor is not reponsive and is inactive, in one year will loose that AFF, and AFF will