Hello Zina,
In answer to your question, "How can you keep your downline from quitting and giving up on SFI?"
The answer is, YOU CAN'T!
The only thing you can do, is to understand what SFI can do for you, and pass it on to those in your downline. Remember, we are individuals, with individual personalities. Just as in many ways we are very much alike, so, too, are we in many ways different from one another.
People join SFI for varying reasons. Some are curiosity seekers. They join just simply for the thrill of joining, and if they can make money in the shortest amount of time, they may stick with it for awhile, until the money appears to slow down or stop, then they move onto the next "imaginary" overnight gold mine. These people will never get it.
Then, Zina, there are people who join SFI who truly desire the challenges of owning their own business. One they can build from the ground up. Only, with SFI, they don't have to start from scratch, because everything has been carefully put in place for them. These people get it. They get that SUCCESS comes early only for a handful of people whose situation starts out much differently than the average person's.
Finally, Zina, learn everything you can. Understand the number of ways you can be successful with SFI, promoting affiliates, selling TripleClicks products to family, friends, co-workers, and/or your own compiled contacts lists. Promoting the ECA program, recruiting ECAs to help build your business, and other ways so vast that even by now your own head may be spinning.
Point is, Zina, sell the benefits to your downline, benefits you understand and want them to understand as well. Will they all buy what you sell them? NO, they won't! But that's about all you can do. There are laws against holding people hostage. Lol
I hope this helps
Hello Zina,
In answer to your question, "How can you keep your downline from quitting and giving up on SFI?"
The answer is, YOU CAN'T!
The only thing you can do, is to understand what SFI can do for you, and pass it on to those in your downline. Remember, we are individuals, with individual personalities. Just as in many ways we are very much alike, so, too, are we in many ways different from one another.
People join SFI for varying reasons.