I would ask them what is the worst thing that could happen if you stayed with SFI? SFI can be totally free, so what have you got to lose.
I would tell them about one young man who wanted a credit card very badly. He also had very little time because he was working long hours to take care of a family. He finally earned his credit card, after a year. Because he stuck with it, has received much more than a credot card since then.
I would tell them about another member of my team who started SFI with nothing. Because he faithfully logged in daily, I added him to my Sbuilder team Coop, and he began to get PSA's. Then he took the step of opening a digital ECA store, and now he is doing very well and is financially stable. Where would he have been if he quit?
What about myself, many times I have wanted to quit, but I have stuck with it even though I'm not making the money I would like, I am making more than I spend most months. What do I get out of SFI? Something to keep my mind active and learning new things constantly. I have gained an understanding of people in other parts of the world. They are very much like me with the same wants, desires and needs. I have many that I consider friends, and I've never met them face to face, but they keep me active and occupy my time constructively. All of these things from SFI have nothing to do with money, but have enriched my life immensely. What would I have gained if I had quit because of discouragement or some other bump in my SFI journey?
These are all questions you should ask yourself before you leave SFI. What will I lose if I leave? What will I gain if I stay? It is free so why not continue and see where the journey takes you. You may be pleasantly surprised.
I would ask them what is the worst thing that could happen if you stayed with SFI? SFI can be totally free, so what have you got to lose.
I would tell them about one young man who wanted a credit card very badly. He also had very little time because he was working long hours to take care of a family. He finally earned his credit card, after a year. Because he stuck with it, has received much more than a credot card since then.
I would tell them about another member of my team