The Stream serves as an information tool to reach your downline members, a2a friends, upline members, connected ECAs and SFI Corporate. It therefore serves as a 2-way communication as these categories of people can engage in back and forth interactions with you, using stream post to pass important and useful information for building your business.
The Stream can be used in the following ways to build your SFI business:
1. Communicate very precise, important, useful, encouraging and motivating information to your downline. You may give them brief advertising tips and bring their attention to important SFI/TC news and update, congratulate achievers and encourage feet draggers and tyre kickers, using the Stream posts. Remember, when you help your team to build their businesses, you are invariably building yours.
2. Always use it to direct your downline to Tips, Recognitions, Contests and Rewards, Blog on your Leadership Page. Ensure your Leadership Page is up to date and rich in content that provide assistant to your downline in building a successful SFI business, which will also make yours a success.
3. If you are lucky to have a very active, experienced and helpful upline that post very helpful information in the Stream, then engaging them in a 2-way communication will be a powerful strategy to help build your business. Note that your upline Stream posts are not directed at a particular individual, so you may succeed in directing it to yourself in particular by responding and seeking reply, so that your personal business concerns will be addresses, which is particularly helpful because we cannot Stream upline.
4. Assuming again you have ‘good’ a2a friends who are willing to divulge good sources that lead to improved business success, then you can also engage using your Stream posts to tap into this opportunity. However, from my personal experience, it is often difficult to get such information, but I have gotten from a couple of them, especially those in the same country or region with you.
5. You need to connect to ECAs who sell products that you have interest in, especially business building ones like signups, traffic, website, hosting etc, in order to be up to date with new arrivals, hot deals, close outs and other promotions. This is because some of this information is communicated to those they are connected to, using the Stream.
How often to post? Ok for me I have much to share, so I post 2 or 3 times a week, but I ensure they are very good ones because the tendency for your downline and others to overlook your stream posts is much more reduced if they are continuously being impressed with them. However, SFI recommends a maximum of 3 days interval.
The effectiveness of using the Stream to build your SFI business will therefore depend on how you make use of it. This is because some affiliates do not care to go back to their Stream posts for feedback, especially the downline and a2a Streams which are often replaced by recent posts, so you need to click on the ‘View More’ link just above your first stream post photo.
The Stream serves as an information tool to reach your downline members, a2a friends, upline members, connected ECAs and SFI Corporate. It therefore serves as a 2-way communication as these categories of people can engage in back and forth interactions with you, using stream post to pass important and useful information for building your business.
The Stream can be used in the following ways to build your SFI business:
1. Communicate very precise, important, useful, encouraging