Hi Ovidio,
There are two different reasons why a person would say that doing the daily VP actions is a waste time.
1) The new affiliate doesn't really understand what VPs are.
I always compare SFI's daily actions on the To-Do List to working a job, because it is.
Many don't understand that they have been GIVEN a business, which means they are now a business owner. No one here at SFI must buy an expensive franchise, education or the tools to advertise their business. Plus, we are given two websites ( TripleClicks and SFI) at no charge.
I have yet to find a job that you can work, without doing the same tasks each day.
For Example:
If you work at a store, the shelves must be cleaned, inventoried, and stocked.
Also, the customers will have to be checked out and many other tasks must be done before receiving your paycheck.
Another Example:
Opening a brick and mortar business means having to continue to put money, usually thousands of dollars, into that business. As paying out for utilities, insurance, license, rent, pay employees, buy inventory, etc. before being able to receive their own paycheck. This usually takes 5 - 7 years and many businesses don't succeed at all! This means all the money put into the business is gone!
With SFI you start earning a paycheck from the first day you start doing the daily, weekly, and monthly actions. This will not be a big paycheck until they have learned how to market the business and have a working team. You can see all the benefits at:
Another main reason to come back daily is to read and learn to become and expert for better compensation.
By Reading:
a) A training article each day from the Training tab or at: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/
b) Read and rate the Ask SC questions daily. This will also give extra entries to the Daily Grand on
the Win It tab.
c) Reading The Forum questions for better understanding of the business.
d) The Rules Of Success at: https://www.sfimg.com/ROS/
2) Another reason for being bored is they may be confused about the website or what to do.
This may cause them to believe they can't or don't want to work their SFI business.
To help this problem, I always send a follow up e-mail to each new PSA after the welcome message. This will explain what to do and why.
I suggest that you, as a team leader, read and understand "How can I be an awesome sponsor and create big income duplication?" by going to: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/AwesomeSponsor
Some Things To Explain Are:
a) VPs are used for accumulating their monthly compensation, because we have affiliates in SFI
from all over the world. To check the compensation plan by going to:
b) Explain there is no time limit on working their way towards success.
Success takes time, education, work, perseverance, commitment and dedication.
This can not be done in just a few weeks.
c) Make sure they know you are available to help them with any problems or questions.
d) Keep in communication with your team regularly. Even those that are inactive, because they
may decide to come back.
I hope this is helpful.
May you be Blessed with Success.