I would advise the PSA (Personally Sponsored Affiliate) that we have so many options with SFI.
Your PSA can still achieve that specific goal..it's just a click away!
As a guide, send that person here:
=SFIPPA (SFI-Pay Per Action) is an optional, supplemental income program available to all SFI affiliates. Income is earned by getting others to take actions–such as ...
"filling out forms."
Each time you generate a qualified SFIPPA action, you'll earn a bounty. The amount of the bounty varies depending on the action. The SFIPPA currently available (with more in the works) is:
Bounty: Up to $10 for each qualified sign-up
Generate SFI Affiliate sign-ups by referring prospects to the following Gateway:
1. Earn an additional $.50 bonus on any of your sign-ups from the United States or Canada.
2. Earn an additional $8 bonus on any of your sign-ups that achieve the rank of Team Leader within 90 days of signing up.
Please Note:
All affiliate sign-ups you generate via the PPA program will be dispersed among SFI Affiliates. These sign-ups WILL NOT be recorded as your PSAs or be placed into your downline.
This is a brief sample of Pay-Per-Action. For more detailed information on this program, go to this link:
You could also advise the PSA to read all of the information available for training.
Your PSA could use this exclusively. If not, refer to the Compensation Plan:
This is an introduction to the multiple and lucrative income streams also available via SFIMG.
With these options in place, the PSA will have an online (business) SFI, can fill out (forms) sign up for FREE targeted advertising, and (type) as many ECards, Stream Messages, Forum posts, etc., allowed as per company guidelines!
Kudos to you for researching your PSA's request.
I would advise the PSA (Personally Sponsored Affiliate) that we have so many options with SFI.
Your PSA can still achieve that specific goal..it's just a click away!
As a guide, send that person here:
=SFIPPA (SFI-Pay Per Action) is an optional, supplemental income program available to all SFI affiliates. Income is earned by getting others to take actions–such as ...
"filling out forms."
Each time you generate