Each Month our VP resets to 0 for a number of reasons
1 This put ALL affiliates here on the same opportunity monthly to reach top rankings
a..In Class... Your position among the affiliates who enroll the same date as you.
b..In country...Your position among the affiliates from your country here
c..At SFI..Your position among ALL the affiliates here at SFI
2..The fact that there are thousands of affiliates here storing these VP would cause the system to slow down which will effect how pages load.This also takes up lots of space on the data base here.
3...VP also determines an extra Income stream for us here. 45% CV all the sales made company wide is placed is a pool known as The Executive Pool .Your Income from this stream is determine by the total VP you earn each month. The VP goes into this pool as shares so 1VP =1 share.Your benefits from this pool can be greatly advanced when you are a BTL and above for then you are entitled to earn Matching VP, which is the VP you earn for each EA2 in your team
BTL will receive matching VP on all EA2s in their downline within 6 levels (including their CSAs).
STL will receive matching VP on all EA2s in their downline within 8 levels (including their CSAs)
GTL will receive matching VP on all EA2s in their downline within 10 levels (including their CSAs)
PTL will receive matching VP on all EA2s in their downline within 12 levels (including their CSAs)
DTL will receive matching VP on all EA2s in their downline within 12 levels (including their CSAs)
Starting at 0 does not have any effect on your total VP.You only loose your VP when it expires meaning reach 180days old.Found in your Ledger with dates to them.All VP except the VP that can only be earned once expire.
All the VP that you have earned from enrollment you can find in your VP Ledger
Here... https://www.sfimg.com/PopUp/VPAudit
I hope this helps
Each Month our VP resets to 0 for a number of reasons
1 This put ALL affiliates here on the same opportunity monthly to reach top rankings
a..In Class... Your position among the affiliates who enroll the same date as you.
b..In country...Your position among the affiliates from your country here
c..At SFI..Your position among ALL the affiliates here at SFI
2..The fact that there are thousands of affiliates here storing these VP would cause the