After many years of being a stay-at-home mom, I found a job. It is good, profitable online work and I enjoy doing it. Still, I am at home watching over my family. How?
I became SFI Affiliate.
SFI is Strong Future International Marketing Group. It was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide of e-commerce revolution. How come? Their TripleClicks online shop is source of income. That's why this is NOT a scheme, matrix, pyramid or some other scam. Also, and that's way I chose to be SFI Affiliate, SFI didn't and don't promise overnight wealth (not just another “get-rich-quick”).
Patience, dedication and sincere persistence in work will bring the results that everyone would like to achieve!!!
What am I doing in SFI?
SFI offers training of internet marketing and Affiliate has to read, understand and implement them at daily to-do activities. Those activities, but just in short, are:
• logging in every day and by doing some daily actions, collecting VP (VersaPoints) and learning more,
• promoting SFI's e-commerce website (any part of it that I like/want: one or more items, one or more ECA ---E-Commerce Associate--- stores, auction part, music,...) with tools SFI provides,
• enrolling new Affiliates in my team and "duplicating"...
Each of the above is one of the income streams and there are some more (you have to join us and see :) ). So, you will NOT be successful if you JUST log in! You need to do hard but amusing work!
After many years of being a stay-at-home mom, I found a job. It is good, profitable online work and I enjoy doing it. Still, I am at home watching over my family. How?
I became SFI Affiliate.
SFI is Strong Future International Marketing Group. It was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide of e-commerce revolution. How come? Their TripleClicks online shop is source of income. That's why this is NOT a scheme, matrix,