What are the best ways to get AVP (Action VersaPoints)?
Elisa Arroyo, Aff (Ecuador)
4/22/2014 12:22 pm
Affiliate since: 11/11/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to make AVP (Action VersaPoints ) is the combination of many of the methods available to you. The three main methods of income would be:
The easiest way is to visit (check) the task list every day on the front page of SFI , which will give you 10 VP ( including the latest tab 'Ask SC ), and to review the latest products TripleClicks ' to give you another 2 VP , so you can easily accumulate 11 daily VP . For a sustained influx of VP , the best way may be to create a permanent order, in particular for a IAHBE membership. The latter gives you 1500 VP each month that you remain a member, you can also participate in subastass and provides additional resources to help your business grow.
The best way to make AVP (Action VersaPoints ) is the combination of many of the methods available to you. The three main methods of income would be:
The easiest way is to visit (check) the task list every day on the front page of SFI , which will give you 10 VP ( including the latest tab 'Ask SC ), and to review the latest products TripleClicks ' to give you another 2 VP , so you can easily accumulate 11 daily VP . For a sustained influx of VP , the best way may be to create a permanent order,
What are the best FREE methods for attracting and sponsoring new affiliates?
Elisa Arroyo, Aff (Ecuador)
4/9/2014 2:26 pm
Affiliate since: 11/11/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
The free methods of affiliate sponsor depends on the skills and experience etc.. There are many methods and strategies you can use to sponsor and there are no numbers of ways to attract new members, look at the list here: www.sfimg.com / Resources / Marketing / Sponsoring Standard Methods We test different strategies to determine what works best for each affiliate. Good luck