In my opinion, there are no definite count of times that you need to impose to give up emailing or contacting those PSAs/CSAs that are inactive.
You can send follow-up emails to inactive PSAs/CSAs, say twice a month. I think this is not too many nor too scarce. Don’t give them up on your own volition. SFI would normally provide enough time before they are given notice for non-active members. Try to exhaust all means of communications, that is, thru email, thru their phones if they indicate on their profiles, thru team mail, thru SFI chat, IM.
In my case, I send my inactive PSAs/CSAs emails twice a month. My first attempt would be to give them some e-books to read on. If they are really busy to engage in online activities, they could read them during their spare time. I would give them an e-book that would stir their online marketing interest. Sending them 2 or 3 times of e-books would normally beef them up on their state of idleness or inactivity. If I see that one of them would login by visiting my Genealogy Report, I would send another email to that person and would give him/her an appreciation for having logged in for quite a long time since his joining date. I would ask him/her about any problem that he/she has and offer my advice to let me know. If he/she remains silent by not responding, I would give him/her my assurance that just in case, he/she needs my SFI business-related advice, I would always be available for him/her. This kind gesture would give them a feeling of belongingness to my SFI team and would perhaps change his/her mind and be active again knowing that they have a team leader who is concerned about their welfare, be it SFI-related or not.
In my opinion, there are no definite count of times that you need to impose to give up emailing or contacting those PSAs/CSAs that are inactive.
You can send follow-up emails to inactive PSAs/CSAs, say twice a month. I think this is not too many nor too scarce. Don’t give them up on your own volition. SFI would normally provide enough time before they are given notice for non-active members. Try to exhaust all means of communications, that is, thru email, thru their phones if they ...more