For me, I prefer a co-op as long as you have done your home work well.
Creating a blog is cool but the hard part is keeping your blog fresh all the time in order to keep the right crowd coming to your blog, which may in turn lead to those quality sign-ups. If you could get a professional writer, maybe that could work but you have to still get your blog out there in order for the internet community to know what you've got. Both the services of a writer and your advertising will cost money too.
However, a co-op has the advantage of connecting with the professionals and gurus in web traffic management in bringing that desired result you require. Yes, it may cost some money sometimes (there are also ways to get free traffic too) or a fortune sometimes but you are sure of constant traffic and since SFI is a numbers game, you need as much traffic as you can get as your diamond may be in the midst of all those hay coming in.
Meanwhile, if I had to advise, i would say you should begin with co-ops first and then when you've built a wealth of experience in this business, you could go all out and begin a blog which would surely be filled with your experience and skills in succeeding in the SFI opportunity. Just a little proofreading would be needed and little advertising too. With quality blogs, you will deal with real people who want to do things the way you did it. With time, you will be getting active sign-ups and would only need to keep the blog fresh with quality articles to keep attracting the real bees.
For me, I prefer a co-op as long as you have done your home work well.
Creating a blog is cool but the hard part is keeping your blog fresh all the time in order to keep the right crowd coming to your blog, which may in turn lead to those quality sign-ups. If you could get a professional writer, maybe that could work but you have to still get your blog out there in order for the internet community to know what you've got. Both the services of a writer and your advertising will cost money ...more