What is currently your greatest weakness will become your greatest strength. Find occasion to get out and meet people. Practice starting a conversation. Learn to make eye contact with people and simply smile. Then add a Hi to your smile. People all over the world are looking for friendly people. I would suggest going out without an agenda first. Just meet and get to know people. Take an interest in their lives. You will find that most people like nothing better then talking about their lives. Find out what they do for a living. Listen more than you talk. That is why you have two ears and only one mouth. The important thing is not to dump information on people immediately when you first meet them, before you have established any connection with them.
You might not even mention the business on the first meeting, but if you happen to get their card, you can call them back later (remind them of where and when you met them) and maybe an opening line might be something like, "I was just thinking, you seem pretty sharp. I have a business opportunity I would like to share with you. I can't promise anything, but it might be something you would be interested in. Where can we meet?"
You might invite them for a coffee or a tea. A lot will depend on the type place you are most comfortable in. It certainly could help if you carried some business or promotional cards that you could give them, but don't forget to get their card as well. That could make a conversation very brief and to the point. If you meet someone in a store who looks like they might be an employee, just say to them, Hi, Do you work here? Whatever they answer, you reply "Great." "Would you be interested in earning extra money online?" " Here is my card. "How can I get a hold of you?" There are a million and one variations of these conversations.
What is currently your greatest weakness will become your greatest strength. Find occasion to get out and meet people. Practice starting a conversation. Learn to make eye contact with people and simply smile. Then add a Hi to your smile. People all over the world are looking for friendly people. I would suggest going out without an agenda first. Just meet and get to know people. Take an interest in their lives. You will find that most people like nothing better then talking about their lives. Find ...more