YES, YES, YES! If you are just starting out with SFI you have joined at a great time. All of the 'success principles' that you need to succeed are now in place and have been proven to work.
Over SFI's 15 years, it has developed an effective business model that follows the 'standardize and replicate' way of building your business.
So what does that mean? All SFI affiliates are given great training from the beginning and a method of accomplishing each goal outlined in Start, SFI Basics, and Launchpad.
Additionally, each affiliate has a sponsor and a co-sponsor that they can connect with for help and mentoring. Each affiliate can also connect with a2a friends who are doing what they are doing and are willing to share their experiences.
For even more help, there is the Forum and Ask SC where questions are answered by very knowledgeable members.
Around the world each day of each year in each country, there are people looking for an opportunity to succeed by opening their own business, supplementing their income, or expanding their current business.
So, as long as there are people who have a dream there will be an opportunity for all of us to fulfill their dream and ours.
Make this your mantra, "If I put in the work, I will be successful."
This is what makes the playing field fair and why you can succeed.
YES, YES, YES! If you are just starting out with SFI you have joined at a great time. All of the 'success principles' that you need to succeed are now in place and have been proven to work.
Over SFI's 15 years, it has developed an effective business model that follows the 'standardize and replicate' way of building your business.
So what does that mean? All SFI affiliates are given great training from the beginning and a method of accomplishing each goal outlined in Start,