The key to remember when explaining the three items to a new person is to ensure that they fully understand how they intertwine with each other. They are like cogs of a wheel, without one you may have trouble driving...
Once you explain the benefits of SFI to a new prospect, then you can further enhance that explanation by stating that while learning about SFI you earn Versapoints. To help in earning some of those versapoints to increase your status at SFI, you can shop or sell products at Triple Clicks. This will both earn you VP's and cash.
You can then explain to them that by purchasing T-Credits for a minimal price and using them to bid on auctions, they gain a Product they want, MRP by bidding which they can then use to pay for their products that they want including purchasing further T-credits all while building up their versapoints.
They can also play the games on TripleClicks which they could potentially win T-Credits to again purchase product that they may want.
It is a well connected circle with benefits to each individual no matter where you slice that circle.
The key to remember when explaining the three items to a new person is to ensure that they fully understand how they intertwine with each other. They are like cogs of a wheel, without one you may have trouble driving...
Once you explain the benefits of SFI to a new prospect, then you can further enhance that explanation by stating that while learning about SFI you earn Versapoints. To help in earning some of those versapoints to increase your status at SFI, you can shop or sell products ...more