When using a Custom Prestige Domain from SFI, it really helps if you know more about it than just buying it and figuring it out from the start.
When you buy this from TripleClicks you will notice you have up to 12 Domain Names at your disposal but can only use up to 5 at a time.
Take it into consideration that you can also win these at the Pricebender Auctions as well for a really cheap value.
The more you purchase the more domains you can have and maintain yourself for as long as you like, but the best ways to use your custom prestige domain is to make it look smart, professional, not like those simple web pages you see a lot of with heaps of lettering and that is it. No, you will hardly get any people coming to your site this way.
If you make your page look like it is done a professional and supply with the most information you can supply to your customers and viewers then you have more chances of getting them to join you.