Truth is, it's not so much about giving up on CSA's who don't respond to messages or do nothing, as it is moving on to those willing to make a difference. It comes down to 'Special Concern, or Interest." For example, there's the 15-year old child and the 15-month old child. Who gets more attention? In all respects, it's the 15-month old child. In this case, the "highly-inactive" CSA is the 15-year old child. By choice he/she remains inactive. The 15-month old child is the CSA actively sponging up as much knowledge as he/she can to be successful. In reality, you love them both, but one requires that "Special Concern, or Interest." Still, because they are both in your geneology, you support them both according to your bid for business success.
Truth is, it's not so much about giving up on CSA's who don't respond to messages or do nothing, as it is moving on to those willing to make a difference. It comes down to 'Special Concern, or Interest." For example, there's the 15-year old child and the 15-month old child. Who gets more attention? In all respects, it's the 15-month old child. In this case, the "highly-inactive" CSA is the 15-year old child. By choice he/she remains inactive. The 15-month old child is the CSA actively ...more