A good question for all of us of SFI/business
1. Need to explain about Co-oP process before they share a Co-oP
2. It’s important to that affiliates need to become EA each month (accumulate at least 1,500 VP,s each month )to use the Co-oP tool.
3. Need to explain about the COMPENSATION Plan for all the benefits of duplication process .
4. It’s very important that affiliates need to understand very well the Co-oP key Code Tracking for getting Sign-UP-s. Explain to them about active and inactive affiliates during the process of duplication.
5. Many active affiliates works every day to complete Daily and weekly actions. So help these active affiliates giving the free shares. This process help them for more security during the steps of their business .
6. Tell them about the value that participating in the co-op can bring to them. Both actual value for money invested and comparative value of potential returns to time.
7. Work with example with your team affiliates. Tell them about the value that participating in the Co-oP can bring to them.
8. Explain to them about Co-oP and a S-Builder- Co-oP. Need to understand very well these two things.
9. Explain to them, there is no limit to the number of participants you can have in a single co-op.
10. Give to them examples about this process .publishing the results (proof that the affiliates you have got from this process are very active in their business.
11. Explain the type of advertising you're going to do, how you will set up the co-op (shares type Co-oP or Sign UP,s Co-oP )
12. Tell to them that the system will indeed give each participant the same amount of affiliates each.
13. So, giving all explanations, proofs, examples ,etc…., You can give to them all Information’sof the Key-Code of their Co-oP ; where and when they will get their Sign-UP,s
I think this is enough about this process . Have a good LUCK in your business,
A good question for all of us of SFI/business
1. Need to explain about Co-oP process before they share a Co-oP
2. It’s important to that affiliates need to become EA each month (accumulate at least 1,500 VP,s each month )to use the Co-oP tool.
3. Need to explain about the COMPENSATION Plan for all the benefits of duplication process .
4. It’s very important that affiliates need to understand very well the Co-oP key Code Tracking for getting Sign-UP-s. Explain to them