How does sponsoring many affiliates help me?

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6 votes
Alexandru Robert, Aff (Romania) Forum Guru 2/18/2013 12:28 pm
Affiliate since: 01/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Sponsoring many affiliates is important because our downline is your main source of income!!
If you are a team leader, you get matching VP from your downline and also from CSAs, who are an EA2 or higher rank!
5 votes
Jon Premo, Aff (California, US) Forum Guru 2/18/2013 12:25 pm
Affiliate since: 12/02/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Well, think of it like this. You as 1 person can work hard I'm sure! You will reach EA status or BTL every month and earn roughly between 2000 and 4000 VP points. Which is great!

Now, lets say you start promoting and sponsoring affiliates in your SFI business.. You're helping them achieve thier goals and your reaching yours as well...

Now, lets say you do this month after month for 6 months and everyone in your team did the same. All of a sudden your SFI business is creating
5 votes
Darshan Pandher, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 2/17/2013 7:11 am
Affiliate since: 11/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Darshan's 20 other Ask SC answers
A fundamental question...entire 'Business' is to Promote "" and SFI provides each one of US with FREE 'Tools' to participate in Purchase & Sale of product/services at ''.Now, more the Affiliates get sponsored, more the participation by serious Affiliates to generate profits...n...more the share distributed to Affiliates at various stages of Leadership..its all the business of Duplication...Just Do remain in the Game.:)))
5 votes
Sultan Kiani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) Top Author Forum Guru 2/18/2013 10:03 am
Affiliate since: 11/07/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sultan's 2 other Ask SC answers
Sponsoring affiliates is just like you are developing a line of soldiers. As marketing is not a one man show, one always in need of good hands to move forward and achieve goals. On the other hand it's a symbol of team work and it gives an impression that you are eager to let your affiliates be on the earning track. It's a sort of motivation and an essential technique for mutual growth.
5 votes
Claudio Lodi, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 2/15/2013 2:31 pm
Affiliate since: 11/14/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Claudio's 32 other Ask SC answers
The odds of active affiliates are in your favour the more you sponsor.! That statement is the simple answer. It's a numbers game and no guarantees are given. The more you have the greater your chances are of having active affiliates who will follow you Leed. So start sponsoring and get them to sponsor, and make sure they understand Duplication and the need for standing orders. Your growth will in turn reward you for a long time.

5 votes
Robert Burden, Aff (California, US) Forum Guru 2/16/2013 11:32 am
Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Robert's 5 other Ask SC answers
Sponsoring affiliates is like playing solitaire. You never know if the next affiliate will be an ace who will cause your business to grow beyond your wildest dreams, or a very successful king, queen, or jack. The red cards are the good ones. Then there are numbered cards. The black cards have just as much potential as their red counterparts, but for some reason, they never even try. Then there is a joker in every deck. Your job is to turn over those cards by offering them the opportunity and
5 votes
Elix Company Ltd, Aff (Ghana) Forum Guru 2/16/2013 1:55 am
Affiliate since: 04/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
this is a very good question. As an SFI affiliate, it's important to sponsor many affiliates. this is similar to giving back to the society; recruiting new affiliates into your team as you were also recruited.
In SFI, building your team is one of the lucrative tools in building a successful and effective business on SFI. you can recruit affiliates to join SFI or to make purchases on tripleClicks and you earn commissions on their commercial transactions.
As a leader, you need to guide your
5 votes
Robert Barlow, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) Forum Guru 2/16/2013 5:00 pm
Affiliate since: 02/12/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Robert's 1 other Ask SC answers
When you stop and think about it we are on one team. It is just like any team in sports. They help each other to win the goal whether it is the Super Bowl, World Series or a National Championship. If you think that you are the only Star on the team, guess what the team will probably lose. But, if you help each other you have a better chance of reaching your common goal to Win.

The same with affiliates we can help each other. We want them to reach for the sky and their goals, in turn
5 votes
Emmanuel Ahugah, Aff (Ghana) Forum Guru 2/15/2013 6:00 pm
Affiliate since: 09/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Emmanuel's 4 other Ask SC answers
Sponsoring Affiliates in SFI has many benefits for both SFI as a business and the Sponsor on the other hand. An increase in the number of Affiliates through sponsorship means more Internet Marketers and more business for SFI. This translates into more ECAs, more products and customers at TripleClicks. This will make SFI more popular as Marketing Group.
The benefits for Sponsor are quite significant.
1. He or she is provided a unique opportunity of building a team, guiding the members to
4 votes
Brian Mario Fernandes, Aff (United Arab Emirates) Top Author Forum Guru 2/16/2013 12:27 am
Affiliate since: 10/18/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Brian Mario's 11 other Ask SC answers
First of all you need to understand that this is a number game. Not everyone whom you get into the business will understand the potential, which further affirms the first statement. This happens as the internet is filled with lot of bogus and fly by night operators. We are in this business, as we understand the potential and have faith in the organization and know for certain that this can fulfill our dreams. Therefore the more affiliates the better, as your chances of getting successful becomes