How can TripleClicks gift certificates be used to boost your SFI business?

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4 votes
tadija kristo, Aff (Croatia) Forum Guru 1/28/2013 5:08 am
Affiliate since: 01/09/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
the TripleClicks gift certificate boost you earnings and affiliates
3 votes
Siju George, Aff (India) Forum Guru 1/28/2013 12:11 pm
Affiliate since: 09/20/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Siju's 3 other Ask SC answers
Gifts are really something that acts as excitement for any one. I see gift certificates as a great tool to inspire the team to keep affiliates active and vibrant to achieve higher targets. Personally this has worked as a great encourager for me to go an extra mile when I had been given a gift certificate from my sponsor and I look forward to duplicate the same as I grow in my SFI business in days ahead.
3 votes
Darshan Pandher, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 1/29/2013 7:48 am
Affiliate since: 11/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Darshan's 20 other Ask SC answers
Well,the SFI business is all about having a very active 'Down Line'. Triple Clicks Gift Certificates are a certainly a good option to make Down-Line Affiliates and Clients to visit TripleClick Store and find interesting things/services to buy.It's half the battle WON by bringing the people to the will soon bring a SMILE on your face..:)
2 votes
Edward Rodriguez, Aff (Florida, US) Forum Guru 1/28/2013 8:38 pm
Affiliate since: 09/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Edward's 8 other Ask SC answers
That's a great question. As a fairly new member, I've caught myself stumbling over words trying to introduce SFI/Triple Clicks. First of all let me say this, the gift cards are very high quality. They are made of hard laminated plastic and resemble a credit/Debit card. With that said, it's so much easier to tell a prospect you have a business and hand them a gift card. It's a great marketing tool!
2 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 1/29/2013 7:35 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I as of today I have used tcredits and not gift certificates yet, but
the results I would inagine are the same, It is after all a reward for
good work in general.
I do think gift certificates would be much better as thet sometimes people
don't even notice the tcredits! Even after I team mail them before to watch for them.
Which ever way you use, its a great way to show your appreciation, and to
encourage them to continue their good work as they know they are not just
2 votes
Charles Harris, Aff (Georgia, US) Forum Guru 1/28/2013 12:10 pm
Affiliate since: 11/08/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
Everybody loves a FREE GIFT. It is like fishing. Put yours out there and you will catch some new customers and/or new affiliates.
2 votes
Vikas Meena, Aff (India) Forum Guru 2/4/2013 2:38 pm
Affiliate since: 01/12/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Vikas's 1 other Ask SC answers
Giving gift certificates helps friends, familly and your affiliates/team to see what's at TripleClicks and that your store is the really great place to purchase online. It also helps those affiliates who, for whatever reason, are not able to purchase items from TripleClicks and makes it possible for them to gain EA or Team Leader status. It is an excellent way for you to gain your VP status when someone does become an EA or Team Leader.
2 votes
, () Forum Guru 1/28/2013 1:45 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
good question bro

As a human being, it is a great joy of receiving a gift from his sponsor in recognition for the efforts we provided. It is no secret that the main difficulty observed in this business when recruiting referrals, there is a large majority that is inactive. This is not for us to move forward and achieve our goals. One solution to this inactivity can be Gift Certificates. Gift Certificates are wonderful tools for leaders who want to encourage their team members to get active
2 votes
Julie Tolentino, Aff (Philippines) Forum Guru 1/30/2013 12:06 pm
Affiliate since: 12/12/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Julie's 3 other Ask SC answers
When you receive a gift you know that the giver cares for you. When affiliates, friends, relatives and other persons receive a TripleClicks gift certificate, the next question is how and where to use it.

The GCs can only be used in TripleClicks. They will use it to buy products and when they use it, you will have commissions, thereby boosting your SFI business.

In addition, they will see the store and wonder how they can also be part of it and might sign up as affiliates.
2 votes
Ali Faghih-nassiry, Aff (Massachusetts, US) Forum Guru 1/31/2013 11:54 pm
Affiliate since: 11/02/2009, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ali's 5 other Ask SC answers
They introduce the potential client or customer to the business with an extra incentive to look at what is involved. Incentive marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote a business in today's economy.