First, a good photo is one of yourself and not some other person, animation, avatar or hero.
It shouldn't contain other people as these cause distractions.
It should be a portrait that fits into the placeholder and not a full size.
You need to look at the camera so you will appear to look at everyone right in their face.
The focus is communication and not a model appearance.
You need to portray professionalism and dependability.
That said, consider what/how you feel seeing a blank placeholder and no room for imagination about how a person you are relating with looks! Whether it is just a social network like Facebook or even an email. I like Gmail because they were quick to realise the need for it.
SFI actually needs to include at least one other placeholder for a full-size photo in the a2a network.
You see the eCards are already making a great difference in communication because they portray a real personal feeling that someone cares and takes time for you. This is especially so when it comes with your own photo included in the design. But remember, if you have no account profile photo uploaded and approved then even such an eCard is rendered meaningless, unreal and impersonal as it comes with an empty placeholder.
For your new PSAs, they will be more encouraged to know there is a real person in the system to help them and not just a computer or robot. As a sponsor I am also encouraged knowing that a real serious and interested person signed up, not a paid-to-click robot or an internet tourist.
Let's all get serious and use the ever improved SFI system correctly!
First, a good photo is one of yourself and not some other person, animation, avatar or hero.
It shouldn't contain other people as these cause distractions.
It should be a portrait that fits into the placeholder and not a full size.
You need to look at the camera so you will appear to look at everyone right in their face.
The focus is communication and not a model appearance.
You need to portray professionalism and dependability.
That said, consider what/how you