If I had $100 extra every months....I will....
1. Buy afew products that help in my business like ~ TCredit, S-builder, buy PSA or Advertising.
2. Put together the products to Standing Order for 1500VPs to maintain EA rank every months.
3. Buy the products with Standing Order at the beginning of month so I could write product review at the end of each months. 25VP for every product review.
4. Use the balance to reward/make contest for my downline.
SO Product Cost VP
100TCredit ---------------29.00 1,200
S-builder -----------------22.00 280
1TCredit ------------------1.89 102
**Buy PSA/Advertising ----25.00 **243
Total Cost around $78.00 VP = 1,582++
(**depend on what Advertisement you choose)
Hope this help....
If I had $100 extra every months....I will....
1. Buy afew products that help in my business like ~ TCredit, S-builder, buy PSA or Advertising.
2. Put together the products to Standing Order for 1500VPs to maintain EA rank every months.
3. Buy the products with Standing Order at the beginning of month so I could write product review at the end of each months. 25VP for every product review.
4. Use the balance to reward/make contest for my downline.