This is a great question that I think every SFI affiliate or leader should strive to solved. In my own little way I'm writing a 30 days text or write-up I Calle " day by day mulivational vitamin for new PSAs and CSAs". And here is one of it just to answer this question,
there are things every new affiliate need to know about making money,
(1)you need to know that making money in anything you set your hands
to do will not be that easy,
(2)you also need to know that, it takes determination to make money in
any business,
(3)you need to know that, money will not start rolling into your
account the first day you started in any business,
(4) you need to know that you alone can determine if you want to
succeed or fail but not kicking God aside, you need to know that if
you persist in any business! you are bound to succeed,
(5)you need to know that, every building always start with a
foundation, what foundation have you lay to make money?
(6)you need to know that nobody can do it for you better than yourself,
"that's why a proverb in my dailey says, "put a hot cool in the hand
of a mother and put it too in the hand of her new baby! she will first
of all throw away her own before taking care of her new born"
(7)you need to know that, if you do something and fail the first time
or more those not make you a failure, but if you quite the first time,that
really make you a great failure.
You need to know that the process of anything at the beginning look
rough, even the most beautiful building or car look rough at the
beginning, so also you business here will, but sfi knows that, that's
why they provided all the support you will need,
(8) you need to know that, commitment is the key to success in
anything or business you do, so how committed are you willing to give
your sfi business?
(9)you need to know that, until you pay certain prize in life you may
not go far in life and that's the principles of any business, or unless you
want to reap where you did not sow,
(10) you need to know that, you don't have to judge a book by it's
cover, you need to open it and read at least 50% of the pages before
you can pass sound judgment, so also is with SFI, don't just open 1 or
2 times and start passing judgment, this is a mistake so many new
affiliate do, I was there too, what's your opinion?
You can add more, have a nice day all