Great question and my short answer is invest in long term results early on and remind yourself they will need time to develop.
For those getting started you really do need to have a self hosted Wordpress Blog on your own domain name, so several sellers offer Wordpress Hosting for a year, blog already installed with a free domain name for around $60 a year. That's like all of $5 a month and it's tailored to the demands of active bloggers.
If you are just learning to blog and want to see your blog start climbing while you earn and gaining targeted traffic you can hire a quality content writer on TripleClicks for around $20 -$25 per article. Beware of those who copy and paste their Fiverr Gig listings and pledge a 400 word article for $5 or so because they often just use private label articles and may not even spin them to look unique or fact check them to see if the included tactics still work. Likewise ignore cheap SEO services.
Speaking of SEO services you should get a decent provider to do basic onsite SEO setup on your Wordpress Blog. This will include researching at least 3 terms in the niche you plan to write in, with optimized meta data for both Meta Tags and Social Media Semantic Markups. These can be done by properly installing and setting up All In One SEO which is a free or paid plugin that powers SEO on far more sites than Yoast which is complicated to use in comparison.
Once you have the blog set up, optimized, and content being written it will take time to gain traction and start generating large amounts of targeted visitors ready to shop or ready to join SFI. Once it does start drawing them you can generally add 20-50 new PSA per month from blog traffic with new post coming every 3-4 days. This will be your long term plan which will get you away from paid advertising or at least amplify your results.
On the short term because we like success sooner rather than later I would suggest classified Ads software that has an extensive list of active classifieds sites. I also advise a marketing forum list, and a shopping forum list with major focus on the latter. Also buy a range of books and e-books on affiliate marketing so you can learn to promote TripleClicks and generate sales.
If you plan to also be an ECA secure several e-books on E-bay, Etsy, Amazon, and Self Hosted retail selling. The reason is that TripleClicks is like the perfect pairing of each of these sites with additional social elements added. You will need to learn how to price products, what kind of margin of profit to expect, how to save on shipping, and how to find wholesale sources that wont rob you blind or sell you inferior products. Above all it will help you learn to sell big ticket items that most affiliate feel sheepish about even trying to market.
On that end many affiliates leave big money on the table with little competition by opting to promote the $2.99 e-book because they have $20 or less to spend in a month and never learn to promote the $1200 Big Screen TV or $980 Desktop PC. This information is contained in the targeted training on how to be a good affiliate and in the retail sales training.
You can also invest in S-builder Co-Op which will bring both PSA and PRM into your business on drip feed, and PSA-To-Go or similar ECA offer to get your network started growing early on.
Great question and my short answer is invest in long term results early on and remind yourself they will need time to develop.
For those getting started you really do need to have a self hosted Wordpress Blog on your own domain name, so several sellers offer Wordpress Hosting for a year, blog already installed with a free domain name for around $60 a year. That's like all of $5 a month and it's tailored to the demands of active bloggers.
If you are just learning to blog and