Drip marketing is when you regularly 'drip' information to prospective and current clients/customers.
Sending out an advertisement for a product or service only once is unlikely to have much of an effect, if any at all, on sales, but when people see advertisements many times, the message will at some point 'stick' in their minds or grab their attention. It gives a better impression, even on a subconscious level, of permanence or continuity of a product, service or brand.
I first heard of 'the trickle effect', as it was known by, many years ago when I had my bricks-and-mortar business. The internet was still in it's infancy for marketing purposes, so most marketing was offline. At that time, I was advised that prospects for my particular business, private tuition for children, needed to see my adverts on average 7 times before 'making the call'.
So, I would send leaflets out with the local newspaper, drop leaflets through house doors, display posters in community centres and schools, ask schools to distribute leaflets, hold charity events which led to being featured in local newspaper. I even held prize draws in the town's schools where the winner would win a year's free tuition. Then of course there was word-of-mouth, this of course was the best one, as it was given by parents and teachers who had already seen the benefits to the children of my classes.
By the time I received a telephone call, my new customer would often say "Well, I got this leaflet a few months ago, and I saw your article in the paper. I've been meaning to call but forgot until my friend mentioned today that her son comes to your classes". It was not just one advert that led to them making a call, it was the 'trickle effect' , the drip, drip, drip of several encounters with my brand.
Now we have the internet, the same principle applies, and we have more opportunities with online methods of marketing, however it is even more important to use the drip marketing strategy because there is a lot more competition with customers being exposed to many more adverts every day.
Some online methods are:
- social media marketing
- classified ads
- your own website, SEO optimised so it can be found in google searches
- and by far the best method, by building an email list, by offering perhaps a free business report, or a free TC Gift Card, so you know that your subscribers are interested in whatever you are offering, whether it be a work-at-home business, or online shopping or auctions.
- your Genealogy, even your inactive downline, can all be exposed to your drip marketing, by sending regular newsletters out, maybe they are not ready for the opportunity when they first sign up, but perhaps will notice and take action a few months along the line.
Your Genealogy and email lists are 'captive audiences' where you can contact the same people on several, or many, occasions.
There are many more methods available, for both online and offline promotion, in SFI's Marketing Center:
Your advertising should also follow a DRIP strategy, where the acronym DRIP stands for:
D - Differentiate - how does your product or service compare with others, how is it better?
R - Reinforce your brand message
I - Inform or make people aware of your brand
P - Persuade your audience to behave in a particular way, e.g. signup to be an affiliate, buy products at TripleClicks or take part in auctions or games
The more often people see your adverts, the more places your adverts are seen, the higher your chance of recruitment and sales.
Remember - many drips fill a bucket, and even an ocean!