What is a good financial budget to start with for SFI?

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5252 votes
Ronelle Tharp, Aff (Florida, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/15/2015 9:56 pm
Affiliate since: 10/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronelle's 268 other Ask SC answers
You can set a Standing Order of 125 TCredits Pack for $36.25. An additional $22 will add a unit of SBuilder Coop for PSAs that will come in (starting 4-6 weeks after first order) slowly, approximately 6-8/month. This $58.25 would be my minimum suggestion for an initial budget.

As you learn more about SFI/TripleClicks, you will learn about advertising, recruiting, games, etc. Most of your advertising can be done for free, or small amounts of money. Recruiting can also have minimal costs,
5245 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 6/16/2015 3:32 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a great question.Thanks for asking.I spent way too much when I did not know what I was doing.I had not completed my lessons yet and did a lot of things wrong.

I would advise a budget under $100 to start. Advertise free.Do it every day but Sunday.I realized
early on that I did not have an easy way to advertise for both SFI and TripleClicks new members.

So I picked advertising for Tripleclicks by using the $12 Gift Cards on-line.But I did send for the physical
5245 votes
Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) Top Author Forum Guru 6/21/2015 6:42 am
Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nimo's 381 other Ask SC answers
For their 1st month in SFI, affiliates can get by without worrying about a financial budget. We also say that affiliates do not have to spend any monies at all in SFI if they don't want to. They can still be successful. And that is true but it can take a long time and effort for that to happen.

This is a business and like all business, time and money need to be invested. How much time and how much money need to be invested depends largely on each affiliates goals and strategies, and
5236 votes
Rebecca Sayre, Aff (New hampshire, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/17/2015 7:32 pm
Affiliate since: 04/29/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Rebecca's 57 other Ask SC answers
Hi William,

I have been pondering a similar question myself and I think that a budget of less than $100 would be sufficient. Purchasing the T-Credits is good because they can be used in the auctions, games or to offer to your downline to help give them a taste of the program. I also think some type of Co-op is a good idea whether the S-Builder or PSAs-To-Go or the Prosperman (50 PSAs for $50). Consistently purchasing these two items should be enough to get you starred and allow you
5231 votes
Leona Kilo, Aff (Papua New Guinea) Top Author Forum Guru 6/21/2015 5:44 am
Affiliate since: 11/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Leona's 6 other Ask SC answers
Hi William,

SFI is one internet business, we should all be glad and be proud to be part of. For the first 30 days all the training that SFI provides to all SFI Affiliates is all free. Amazing.

Having said that, you still should have a budget for some little purchases you may need when you graduate from the training period of 30 days when you have depleted all the big versa points you are awarded for learning the business.


$36.50 for 125 credit
5206 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 6/19/2015 9:26 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
New Member Pack (NMP) worth $20. I think this is the best financial budget to start sfi. They call it a slam dunk bargain. 250 versapoints, 30 free entries in the Daily Grand drawing, received awesome full-color certificate with a name for recognition in participating, received 3 CSA's from SFI to grow and strengthen your team. The name and photo will be permanently displayed on Fast-Track Wall of Fame website, will receive 10% bonus shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool every month. Plus there
5192 votes
Mike Savage Jr., Aff (Alaska, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/20/2015 6:55 pm
Affiliate since: 04/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Mike's 13 other Ask SC answers
It all depends on your needs and wants.

There is many advertising services you can buy from your TripleClicks (TC) Online ECA Store and also our vary own SFI Advertising service that we earn income from. That's a win win situation there because we earn VersaPoints (VP) and Member Rewords Points (MRP) just for shopping at our vary own Oniline Store.

You can promote your business to any Advertising Services to gain leads to be an active member doing the same thing
5188 votes
Lawal Sunday Joshua, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 6/22/2015 8:42 am
Affiliate since: 05/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Lawal's 156 other Ask SC answers
Hello and thanks for asking the question.

I believe having upto $200 to invest in the SFI business is a very nice idea and anyone with a perfect strategy would be able to build a perfect foundation for the business or grow the business to a greater level.

Now to begin investment on SFI it all starts with DUPLICATION, without diplication all investment made on SFI would result into a few or no result thereby reducing volume of income to be earned at the end of the month. Therefore,
5182 votes
Kanishka Bose, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 6/16/2015 2:54 am
Affiliate since: 11/07/2019, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kanishka's 11 other Ask SC answers
That's a interesting question, really !
I am trying to answer your question in very short -

$50 to $62 is the very best monthly amount to start with for SFI.

Tcredits are one of essential product to grow up your business in SFI, so it is necessary that you have some Tcredits in your account , and if you want to success in SFI then you must have a active team.
So, in my opinion - every affiliates should set their standing order with some Tcredits and also some PSA -
5180 votes
Yassir Fokeer, Aff (Mauritius) Top Author Forum Guru 6/17/2015 9:39 am
Affiliate since: 10/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Yassir's 13 other Ask SC answers
I good financial budget for a start at SFI is about $100 monthly.

1. To become Teamleader or to Keep you EA status every month you will need to buy 125 pack TCredits or 15 Separate TCredits where both will give you 1500 VP monthly
a) 125 TC = $36.25 (recommended)
b) 15 TC = $28.35

2. Buy you 2 or 3 Pack of Sbuilder or PSAtoGo to start building you team and thus lead to duplication.
a) Sbuilder = $24 x