The best form of communication I believe is live Chat because this is much faster than email. Some affiliates provide their phone number but international calling can be quite expensive. I highly suggest online chat especially using Skype because not only can you chat by text messaging you can also do Video chatting so I think this is the best way to connect with your downline.
Email: I only suggest using it when you want to send attachments such as EBooks, PDF files such as charts, Excel Spreadsheet documents etc...
For example if you won E365 and you took a picture of yourself holding a nice wooden plaque or you achieved Fast Track and you want to show the certificate to your affiliates then I strongly recommend using email and posting it on your Facebook timeline for everyone to see.
Note: Don't just brag about it by sending pictures you must also write a message in the body of the email explaining to your affiliates what E365 and Fast Track is and how they can achieve it also, and make sure you attach the link to the FT and E365 articles so the can read about it on SFI.
Host Your own Webinar live is a way that internet marketers educate their downline, for example newbies can sign up and then you show them all the places they need to start. You can go over the SFI Basics, Compensation Plan, Start Button, The To do List especially you can show them the actions with jet planes next to them. This is a good form of communication because your downline listens to you but they can also type their questions and you answer them. Then this webinar can be recorded and given to all attendees by email as a gift.
Facebook Page
For this you should have your own website because this can be used as a way to post announcements and also your downline can post questions and then you answer them so that all your downline can see. For every affiliate you recruit you send them a welcome email with a link to your website and Facebook page so they can opt in and receive newsletters and Webinar invitations, also you can give them links to Your YouTube videos Etc...
So my point is that the best online communications is a combination of Live Chat and email, so I hope I answered your question.
The best form of communication I believe is live Chat because this is much faster than email. Some affiliates provide their phone number but international calling can be quite expensive. I highly suggest online chat especially using Skype because not only can you chat by text messaging you can also do Video chatting so I think this is the best way to connect with your downline.
Email: I only suggest using it when you want to send attachments such as EBooks, PDF files such as charts, Excel