Hello, Khalida Anies.
You are, in fact, addressing the issue of what is to be an effective sponsor.
In the 17 years of SFI history, and the prior 13 years of Carson Services, before the creation of SFI, this is one of the questions that have been central to the success of this business.
I personally think that learning the fundamental lessons from such history and going back to it for inspiration will keep us motivated and help us motivate our team members as well.
What I have learned from my review of SFI’s track record is: hard work, planning and innovating. I would summarize it in the following manner, to answer your question:
I. The most important message we must convey to our team to keep them active is: "Winners never quit".
We need to paint for our team a clear picture that differentiates between winners and losers. Winners stay, and work. They look at each hurdle as a challenge to be overcome. They find inner strength in solving the problems they face in their business. They motivate others to do the same.
Losers look at every situation from a negative lens. They do not have the patience to analyze their situation and pinpoint to areas where solutions could help them move forward. They only see defeat where victory is possible. They stop working. They become inactive.
Being inactive is a form quitting. Whoever quits is a loser. They are losing on this great opportunity of success SFI has made available to anybody willing to work this business, focusing on the long term and willing to overcome the obstacles and the difficulties of any start-up.
Most of us are aware of these differences. Our effectiveness, as team leaders and motivators, should come from our ability to help each team member see his own potential of success with SFI and inspire them to reach their goals.
My personal take away from SFI’s continuous success is the constant innovation, adaptation to the changing business world.
In these lessons, we should find ways to apply this understand and this approach to building, motivating and keeping our SFI Team active.
II. I personally like to revisit the “Sponsoring “ module that clearly explains what is to be a Sponsor .
It https://www.sfimg.com/Training/YourRole
It states: “Note! NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, at least half of your affiliates will NOT become successful.”
I find it very beneficial to keep it fresh in my mind “what is to be a sponsor”
Thus, first, it is critical to have a realistic view of internet marketing. There will always be a significant size of registered affiliate who will never be active. We all have noticed that when we sponsor new sign-up, only a few will ever confirm their emails and begin doing some initial work. We will hardly be able to even contact the majority that has not shown any sign of interest. Hence, our focus should be on those we have a reasonable expectation of reaching.
Second, among those who show some initial activity, a good approach is to look at their profile and try to find out their motivations. After welcoming them, we should engage in a fact finding dialogue to identify how we can help be, giving their personal circumstances and their goals.
I would like to remind everybody of this important paragraph from the “Sponsoring” module:
“Make sure every AFFILIATE you sponsor has checked out the actions outlined in the To-Do List at their SFI homepage. Assist them as they proceed through these steps! Make sure their questions are answered. GETTING STARTED IS THE HARDEST PART OF ANY JOURNEY. Your job as a sponsor or a co-sponsor is to be available to your team members. Make sure that you are there to offer friendly guidance and support in a timely manner as your personally sponsored affiliates (PSAs) start out on their journey”
Third, among those who stay and continue to work with SFI, some will drop. Not every business will succeed. Similarly, not every SFI affiliate will be a Diamond Team Leader (DTL) or even a Platinum Team Leader (PTL). This is part of human nature.
Keeping the above in mind will make our task easier and work efficiently with those who have a vision and a desire to succeed.
What I have found to be most effective is to “work with those who are willing to work, and are taking action to grow their business”.
With those I strive to build a one-to-one working business relationship, asking them questions, getting their feedback, and giving them advice.