Hello Patricia,
You might be referring to 1) a new PSA who just joined when you are online and you receive a message of a new PSA sign up or you might be referring to 2) a new PSA for you , whom you find online when he has already joined SFI but at the moment of joining you were not online.
In case it is the example 1 then you can greet him and her by name and introduce your self as his/ her sponsor in SFI. Congratulate for joining SFI and inform them that they have taken first step towards e- entrepreneur ship and financial freedom.
You also initiate general talks about from which city he/ she belong from the home country and what time he / she is online daily.
Inform that you have been in SFI for so many months/ days and you had a great sponsor. Now ask them do you want to know how this business works. the normal answer should be yes. Make a list ready with you about the actions to be taken by new affiliate immediately after joining .( List of tips)/. This list should include watching START video, Reading SFI basic, Taking Getting started actions.
Just ensure that you mention to them about FAST TRACK badge. Inform that you are luck than more other affiliates who joined at the same time to receive this tip and that this tip is going to help them move ahead fast in business goal achievement.
Also ask them what he / she would like to buy with the extra income they are expecting by joining SFI or what lifestyle they expect to live by earning through SFI. Note this down as reference against their name with you. Then assure them that it is possible if they follow simple steps mentioned in affiliate center .
All these talks may go in the right direction provided the affiliate knows your language and is in right spirit/excited about new business. Your job is to create excitement and if language is the problem use translator Before that just see which is the common language for their country.
when the example 2 , you just go through the affiliate profile and check how many VPs they scored/ when was last log in which round they are in E 365 , have they confirmed registration, uploaded photo etc. then greet them as a sponsor and ask them if they need your help in understanding the business. Ask them when are they regularly online for internet business and boost their confidence by complimenting them for the achievement they did till now.
Ask them if they have listed down expectation from SFI business and have they set their goals. Tell them that as a sponsor you can help them understand the business and give tips that you have learnt. But ensure telling them that they have to treat their business as business and not as a hobby and only in that case you will be able to support them. Please stress during the conversation that reading LAUNCHPAD lessons is important and asking questions to sponsor will help them understand the business quicker. Also inform them to read training material and Ask sc questions and go to forum and get familiarized with it.
Exchange emails/ skype ids/ phone nos, and ask when will they be online next time and what will be their VP score and ask them to come up with questions , for online discussion.
Once again the success of all these steps that I have suggested depends on the excitement level of the affiliate who is online but our job is to remain positive/ excited and to be a leader cum friend .
Hope this works
Hello Patricia,
You might be referring to 1) a new PSA who just joined when you are online and you receive a message of a new PSA sign up or you might be referring to 2) a new PSA for you , whom you find online when he has already joined SFI but at the moment of joining you were not online.
In case it is the example 1 then you can greet him and her by name and introduce your self as his/ her sponsor in SFI. Congratulate for joining SFI and inform them that they have taken first