How do I assure that duplication happens in those I sponsor?

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3866 votes
Karl Peterson, Aff (Utah, US) Top Author Forum Guru 5/30/2014 2:09 pm
Affiliate since: 01/19/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Karl's 41 other Ask SC answers
How do I assure that duplication happens in those I sponsor?

Sorry to say that unless you have personal contact with your Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSA) so that you can physically twist their arms to assure that they get out there and recruit someone else, there is no way to "assure" that duplication occurs.

The best that you can do via email is use sweet reason to persuade them to do someting. If you offer the proper education and encouragement to them, you
3861 votes
Moira De Chermont, Aff (Mexico) Top Author Forum Guru 5/30/2014 4:27 pm
Affiliate since: 08/04/2013, Power Rank: 10 | Read Moira's 74 other Ask SC answers
Hi Khalil,

You can only ensure duplication if the affiliates you sponsor are willing to learn and apply what they learn. Few will, but those who show even a spark of interest are the ones you need to focus on and spend more time with, in order to teach them how and why duplication works.

Duplication is an easy enough concept to understand, but in practice it takes some work and a bit of luck, which is why your role as a teacher and adviser is so important. You will need to explain
3857 votes
John Uffort, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 5/31/2014 6:37 am
Affiliate since: 04/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read John's 4 other Ask SC answers
It is simple.
#1. Lead by Example and teach them to follow your steps.
#2. Encourage them to have a standing order of 1500VP.
#3. Teach them to motivate their down liners to do the same.
#4. Make your leadership page rich and very resourceful and ensure you include the page Url in all your correspondence.
#5. Set up a contest and use Tcredits as incentives. This you can do on your leadership page where you have Rewards and Incentives.
#6. Always follow the dos
3852 votes
Leila Rose-Gordon, Aff (New york, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/3/2014 4:38 am
Affiliate since: 01/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Leila's 1 other Ask SC answers
Start by analyzing your own efforts. Are you approaching SFI the right way? List what you do to succeed in SFI then share that list with your team.

Teach your team SFI basics and as you grow, share with them what you are doing daily to improve. If you learn something new, share that with them.

Teach your team members to communicate with you on a regular basis. Reach out to them. Do not wait for them to reach out to you. Let them know you are available if they need help. But
3851 votes
Alison Richards, Aff (Jamaica) Top Author Forum Guru 6/2/2014 7:50 am
Affiliate since: 02/12/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Alison's 28 other Ask SC answers
I don't think we can ever be assured that duplication will happen in those we sponsor and the proof of this is in our genealogy where most are perhaps inactive and only a few are working towards their goals. They won't all duplicate; the key is to LEAD BY EXAMPLE then try to identify those who show serious interest, those who are need encouragement and help them understand the amazing potential earnings they can achieve through duplication. I like to call this process the 3 "C"s.

3851 votes
Darla Phillips, Aff (Missouri, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/3/2014 10:11 pm
Affiliate since: 07/16/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Darla's 53 other Ask SC answers
"How do I assure that duplication happens in those I sponsor?"

Be sure you train each and everyone the same way.

Keep communication open for this is a big factor. Call them, skype them, whatever it takes to help them. If they are local then meet with them and hold a meeting(s).

It is just like training people at a regular work place.

Be sure they keep a notebook to list any questions they may have that they need answered. They may forget otherwise.

3846 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 5/30/2014 10:05 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Khalil,

This is very important aspect of SFI Business - 'Duplication' - and all affiliates by now as they go through their training and who have surpassed their training period should know the importance of duplication.
Whom you sponsor becomes your down line and is part of your team and your success is when they succeed. This is a chain system where every one succeeds if they do duplication even your PSA's will have a team of their own in time to come and they will have to teach
3845 votes
Kendra Morgan, Aff (Texas, US) Top Author Forum Guru 5/30/2014 2:09 pm
Affiliate since: 05/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kendra's 15 other Ask SC answers
Duplication happens in those who work. Not everyone you sponsor will be willing to do the work it takes to build a business.

Those who are wanting to actually build a business will be paying attention to what you are doing through your communication with them. If you are sending group messages each week and you are active, they will see it when they login. SFI shows your sponsors name, rating, and number of badges beside at the top of the page.

If you have 1 or 2 badges,
3844 votes
Keith Watts, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 6/3/2014 12:40 am
Affiliate since: 03/22/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Keith's 10 other Ask SC answers
While there is no guarantee that all of those that you sponsor will duplicate your actions, there will be some who do. The answer to building a great business in SFI is to continue to sponsor until you have a core team of maybe 5 PSAs in your team who are willing to work. If you support these workers they in turn will follow your lead and duplication will be created.

Once you have your core team in place continue sponsoring but allocate these new PSAs to your team to help them get
3831 votes
Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 6/1/2014 10:47 pm
Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Shamsina's 138 other Ask SC answers
I think you need to be friends with your downlines first. Because to get anyone to follow what you say and do, that person need to trust you first. After all, you will not follow just anyone, right? That is why some people say get your friends and family to join SFI too if they're interested. It's easier for the duplication.

How to get them to trust you and how to be friends? Well, if your downlines are in the same country, give them a call. Nothing too pushy. Just to let them know you