It's good to send individual e-card with a few kind words of welcome with the note that follows business letter. You need time for that but do it ! It is personal and gives the impression.
After that you can send out group mail with short instruction.
Always send weekly group mails with SFI and TC news.
Every day check your movers tab and send individual messages to specific instructions depending on the VP Ledger of your PSA-s.
Do not forget that everyone is special and it needs different communication .
It's good to send individual e-card with a few kind words of welcome with the note that follows business letter. You need time for that but do it ! It is personal and gives the impression.
After that you can send out group mail with short instruction.
Always send weekly group mails with SFI and TC news.
Every day check your movers tab and send individual messages to specific instructions depending ...more
YES, it has really different importance in sending individual welcome letters to new PSAs. You are welcoming him/her with their own names so that they will believe that the letter is really for them. You also starts a new conversation, helping someone and starting to give him/her the tip on how to start and encouraging him to continue what he have started.
While in the group mailings which I personally do weekly, your letter here are usually composed of group talks or you are pertaining to encouraging your team to work with you and never quit, also reminding them of what to do before the week ends (but not letting them depend on you), no matter what..
YES, it has really different importance in sending individual welcome letters to new PSAs. You are welcoming him/her with their own names so that they will believe that the letter is really for them. You also starts a new conversation, helping someone and starting to give him/her the tip on how to start and encouraging him to continue what he have started.
While in the group mailings which I personally do weekly, your letter here are usually composed of group talks or you are pertaining ...more
In my opinion it is defenetly worthwhille to send an individual welcome letter,aspecially when the PSA has taken some action,like starting the launchpad lessons or has made fasttrack.It is nice for someone who starts that there is someone taking personal interrest in his/her actions.Be sure to mention the actions they have taken and congratulate them,that way they will know this is personal for them and not just a standard letter.
Send out group mailings to all PSA and get personal with the action takers.
In my opinion it is defenetly worthwhille to send an individual welcome letter,aspecially when the PSA has taken some action,like starting the launchpad lessons or has made fasttrack.It is nice for someone who starts that there is someone taking personal interrest in his/her actions.Be sure to mention the actions they have taken and congratulate them,that way they will know this is personal for them and not just a standard letter.
Individualized welome messages are extremely effective. Individualized messages enable you to customize your comments to the individual and share 1 - 2 key strategies that will help them get on their way.
After your initial individualized message, Team Mailer messages are a great way to follow-up with your PsA's and a great way to keep them motivated.
I think that individual welcome letters or at least a welcome ecard is important. That first contact lets your team member know that he/she is important to you and shows you care. It also lets them know that you see them as an individual and not just a name on your downline.
I try to continue that individual attention by sending ecards to team members as needed to keep them encouraged, share a tip that will help them, or just to let them know I am available if they need me.
I send individual welcome letters to each new PSA from my personal email account. I do this because I feel it shows that I am willing to go outside the business framework to communicate with my team, that I'm available even if I'm not logged into SFI.
I also do this because group mailings feel like group mailings. I am open to having a personal relationship with members of my team. This lets them know that they are more than just part of the group.
A great leader does, or is willing to do, what he expects from his team. If you want to set an example for your PSAs, building a strong relationship from the beginning is important. I believe sending a personal welcome message is a great way to begin a connection with your PSAs. Each PSA has his/her own individual goals. You may gain valuable information from your PSAs through that initial contact. Save the group mailings for general messages and updates to your team.
I think it is worthwhile.
I love getting mail, especially if it has my name on it. :)
I especially like getting cards! To me it feels like someone actually took the time to think about me and my well being. (It means more). A group mailing is great too, you can add ~FIRST~ and the system fills in the name for you. No one would know. It is also a great idea because when you are keeping tract of who you mailed what to, you can check it off your individuals list of communication.
Great Day and Happy SFI-ing!
I think it is worthwhile.
I love getting mail, especially if it has my name on it. :)
I especially like getting cards! To me it feels like someone actually took the time to think about me and my well being. (It means more). A group mailing is great too, you can add ~FIRST~ and the system fills in the name for you. No one would know. It is also a great idea because when you are keeping tract of who you mailed what to, you can check it off your individuals list of communication.
Great ...more
It is really your choice whether you send a group mailing or individual e-mail or E-Card to greet your new affiliates. Personally, I prefer to send an individual E-Card to each affiliate. I also make a note on each of their page, under "notes", when I send e-cards and other messages. I use the group mailing for Newsletters and other group information.
I make sure to follow up with an e-mail to give the affiliate steps on what to do or ask how I can help. If they are not doing anything, I will send another e-card asking how I can help them work their new business. Sometimes I get a response and sometimes I don't, but I know I have done my part on getting them started. Now it's their turn to learn what SFI is all about and to work it as their business daily.
I always inform them that I am here to help with any questions they may have.
For those that are working, I send E-Cards with tips and encouragements.
It is really your choice whether you send a group mailing or individual e-mail or E-Card to greet your new affiliates. Personally, I prefer to send an individual E-Card to each affiliate. I also make a note on each of their page, under "notes", when I send e-cards and other messages. I use the group mailing for Newsletters and other group information.
I make sure to follow up with an e-mail to give the affiliate steps on what to do or ask how I can help. ...more