Hello, Delani!
Your question is a very good one.
It has practical application that may help many associates using this excellent marketing tool.
To effectively use gift cards, we may need to keep in mind their purpose, features and the policies that govern their use. An email sample is provided .
A. Purpose and Features of Gift Cards
Gift cards are a very effective way to introduce SFI and Tripleclicks to others people. It is a soft marketing tool, not threatening and very motivating. Nearly everybody will enjoy getting a gift card and most will be very appreciative of your generosity.
There are two types of gift cards:
(1) Physical gift cards, and
(2) Digital gift cards.
You may use email to give away both of them. But can only hand out the physical gift cards
Both types are redemption codes of 12 characters made of numbers and letters
Below is a random example of how a gift card redemption code may look like
Next, you may want to give them the relevant information on how to redeem the gift card et eventually register either as your Personal Sponsored SFI Affiliate (PSA), or your personal referred e-Commerce Affiliate (ECA)
As you are sending the gift card by email, that redemption code is the most important information in your email.
Beside that keep in mind the policies that apply to gift cards
B. SFI Policies pertaining to Gift Cards
First we need to be aware of the very recent policy changes that affect gift cards.
This new policy was announced this past May 9th through SFI News. It reads as follows:
“In response to continued fraud and abuse, we have changed our TC Gift Card policy. Effective immediately, SFI Affiliates may hand out only ONE TripleClicks Gift Card to each prospective TC Member. Handing out TC Gift Cards to existing TC members (including fellow SFI Affiliates) is also now prohibited
C. Example of an Email to Gift Card Recipient
“My Dear Friend
I have some gifts cards that I'd like you to have as a token of my love for you and my highest esteem of you as my best friend.
There are three gift cards from SFI Tripleclicks, an e-Commerce store like Amazon or eBay.
The card has a $12 value, redeemable in Tripleclicks products and merchandises
The gift card redemption code is:
To redeem your gift card, please log onto www.tripleclicks.com/giftcard
Again, Tripleclicks is an e-Commerce business with customers in 203 countries worldwide.
Currently, I am a Silver Team Leader (STL) with the company.
You will find all the relevant information through these links below:
The main site is SFI (Strong Financial International), First with Entrepreneurs Gateway:
The e-Commerce online store is at
You can sell your own products with Tripleclicks, from items that are stored in your garage that you are no longer using to opening your own online store through Tripleclicks.
We have we have nearly 2, 500,000 affiliates and associates worldwide who have vested interest in selling your products.
In addition, Tripleclicks runs an auction site where people are saving up to 99% on retail prices on consumer electronics, fitness, health and beauty products.
You will also other items that may interest you from e-Commerce affiliates around the world.
My phone number is (222) 333-4444
Feel free to contact me if you have any question. I will be more than happy to help you.
Enjoy your gift, my friend.”