I will start by giving the person a gift card to motivate the person and to show the person how (UNIQUE) SFI business is. May be if the person has a business or restaurant etc, i will say if a person buys a thing worth certain amount then I will give the person a gift card.
1. It will help her make huge turn-over
2. It will help to publicize her business the more
3. It will also help me have some new PSAs
From there I will talk her/him into being an ECA member
1. It will give the person a wider coverage
2. The sales demand will be very high
3. I will gain 45% for registering a new ECA
4. I will gain 15% on every item sold as soon as the person uploads his/her products
Then I will tell the person about TripleClicks, Price benders, Zebra Zackpot, Auction sales, etc.
from here I can then introduce the T-Credit and MRPs used for any of the items mentioned.
I will also let the person know that he/she can get a Master Card in the process which will enable him/her to withdraw money from anywhere even in his/her town currency.
I will let the person know how many people register on daily basis from all parts of the country, that shows how genuine SFI business is.
I will talk about the "unheard of" Registration is completely free for all.
This will then give me room to talk about a brief history of the business.The founder, How it came into existence, what year, and how it made it's way through success and became so GENERIOUS with Versapoints, and MRPs and how the barges are being achieved.
I will start by giving the person a gift card to motivate the person and to show the person how (UNIQUE) SFI business is. May be if the person has a business or restaurant etc, i will say if a person buys a thing worth certain amount then I will give the person a gift card.
1. It will help her make huge turn-over
2. It will help to publicize her business the more
3. It will also help me have some new PSAs
From there I will talk her/him into being an ECA member