In my opinion what makes one safelist better over another, and in this case between
FREE safelists is whether or not your message/link/email is going to be seen.
Also, the amount of time your message has to be opened and viewed is another factor. If it is too long
then the viewer will not want to open as many emails as they would if the time for viewing is just right.
Anything over 30 seconds is too long for me. And that IS long enough for the message to catch me.
10 TO 20 SECS is fine.
If there is a system of credit for viewing, it increases your chances. The amount of credit counts, too.
I know of at least one example where it is very hard to earn enough to actually keep using the system
for free. While most of the others are very good at the free level and even better when upgraded.
I prefer safelists that have several options available. For example, if in the member area there are
ways to add links, html listings, and banner, as well as the emails that can be sent for free, it increases
your chances of exposure.
Another thing to keep in mind is the amount of members the safelist has. If only under a hundred or just
several hundred members you are limited in how many you are going to attract in the long term. If too
many, then members are just getting bombarded with thousands of messages and they end up deleting them.
Lastly, though, it is up to the member to present attracting messages, links, or banners.
In my opinion what makes one safelist better over another, and in this case between
FREE safelists is whether or not your message/link/email is going to be seen.
Also, the amount of time your message has to be opened and viewed is another factor. If it is too long
then the viewer will not want to open as many emails as they would if the time for viewing is just right.
Anything over 30 seconds is too long for me. And that IS long enough for the message to catch me.