I would rate myself as 5 stars or excellent. And I am sure that my PSAs would agree with me. Why? Because I never stop encouraging and sending them the guidelines and methods of how to become effective affiliates. I am very positive with my ideas that what others have achieved, we can also make it. I believe in the saying "IF YOU STOP WORKING WITH SFI, MONEY WILL ALSO STOP." Though I earned just a few dollars monthly, it's alright because that amount also deserves my effort. And as I keep on going I know that from few dollars it will turn to big. If you only
plan your work and work your plan, your success is waiting onward. I am making my sponsor, my co sponsor and the rest of my team as a role models. If your PSAs would only understood what you are working with SFI, I am sure 100% they will agree with your rating. God bless!
I would rate myself as 5 stars or excellent. And I am sure that my PSAs would agree with me. Why? Because I never stop encouraging and sending them the guidelines and methods of how to become effective affiliates. I am very positive with my ideas that what others have achieved, we can also make it. I believe in the saying "IF YOU STOP WORKING WITH SFI, MONEY WILL ALSO STOP." Though I earned just a few dollars monthly, it's alright because that amount also deserves my effort. And as I ...more