To rate myself a five i will have to ask myself some questions, to which i would give very honest answers. The first of these questions would be how do my I relate to my downline?
Fortunately SFI offers us a very comprehensive lesson on how to be "AN AWESOME SPONSOR". It consists of 24 DO's and some DONT's, which I believe will make me a super awesome sponsor if I can follow them to the letter. Here are just a few of them which i have employed so far.
1. I try and lead by example.
2. I offer support to my downline always, bearing in mind that i can only succeed if they succeed.
3. I work with the workers.
4. I send out weekly newsletters to my downline and CSAs and do this consistently.
5. I post teamtalk messages on my SFIMG homepage's stream tab, where i encourage and share with them.
6. I answer all emails and team mails i recieve from them as best as i can and as soon as i recieve them.
These are just a few of the recommended DO's. The DONT's are just as important.
Now as for whether my PSAs would rate me the same, I will opt for "do your best and leave the rest" because no matter how hard you try you just can't please some people. If i give it my best shot, though, a vast majority of them will rate me as highly as I rate myself. But I will keep in mind that with humans you win some and lose some. That way a low rating from them would not dent my ego.
To rate myself a five i will have to ask myself some questions, to which i would give very honest answers. The first of these questions would be how do my I relate to my downline?
Fortunately SFI offers us a very comprehensive lesson on how to be "AN AWESOME SPONSOR". It consists of 24 DO's and some DONT's, which I believe will make me a super awesome sponsor if I can follow them to the letter. Here are just a few of them which i have employed so far.
1. I try and lead