This is from the point-of-view of a non-tech-savvy-affiliate. I hope this can answer your question in one way or another.
Since I am serious in doing this business, during my first week of my membership with SFI, I grab the offer of becoming a Gold Fast-tracker by purchasing the New Member Pack and maintaining a Standing Order of 125 TCredit packs for 1500 Versa Point monthly assurance.
With my current title as a Bronze Team Leader, and a non-tech-savvy person, I am using the PSAs to go marketing strategy. Buying PSAs To Go either directly or from an ECA helps build my downlines. Once, I have luckily won PSAs from a PriceBender Auction. With all of those PSAs, some of them are active whom I continuously communicate with them. Some are not, but I still send them messages with a firm belief that someday they will get interested and become active.
S-Builder co-op is another marketing strategy. For me who is not an expert and who do not have enough time in doing online advertising, S-Builder co-op is also a big help for me.
Bid and Build is another strategy that I am utilizing. The Bid & Build program is an easy and free bonus tool that allows us to build our team of PSAs while simply bidding at Pricebenders.
But I do not plan to go non-tech-savvy for life. With the numerous tools and tutorials that SFI is providing us, I am positive that someday, I will learn the ins and outs of the internet business. There are various tutorial e-books that are being sold in our store, the TripleClicks store, which I know I can use to gain more knowledge.
And with the help of my sponsor, co-sponsor, Upline and the SFI Admin, I know I am in the right track, in the right kind of business.
This is from the point-of-view of a non-tech-savvy-affiliate. I hope this can answer your question in one way or another.
Since I am serious in doing this business, during my first week of my membership with SFI, I grab the offer of becoming a Gold Fast-tracker by purchasing the New Member Pack and maintaining a Standing Order of 125 TCredit packs for 1500 Versa Point monthly assurance.
With my current title as a Bronze Team Leader, and a non-tech-savvy person, I am using the