The Quickest way from affiliate all the way to Diamond team leader is as follows:
1) Dive in and learn everything you can up front about the business.
2) Determine that you are going to make this work no matter what else happens
3) Achieve EA, EA2 and Gold Fast Track your first ten days in the business (This implies getting on standing order)
4) Start advertising so that you can teach your team how to do that effectively (The implies setting up a blog or website to promote the business. Advertise for PSAs, ECAs and customers. You want them all.)
5) Start with ordering 100 or more new PSAs per month looking for people as determined as you are to build this business. Expect one or two leaders to pop up each month.
6) Build your leaders, reassigning PSAs and CSAs to the strongest of the strong
7) Shoot for the E365 Championship for your group.
8) Recruit one to two ECAs per month and work with them to see that they are successful
9) Buy whatever you buy from TripleClicks (be your own best customer)
10) Become an ECA. Find a niche and fill it. Learn what it takes to be a successful ECA. This is part of the business too.
11) Celebrate the success of your team. Let each person know that they are a valuable part of your team.
12) Make sure your group is aware of all the changes happening in SFI and TripleClicks
13) Be a Forum Guru
14) Cultivate designated diamonds.
15) Tune into both your upline and downline affiliates for what is happening in the business. Let your upline feed off your motivation. It will motivate them, and in turn they will bend over backward to see that you are successful.
The Quickest way from affiliate all the way to Diamond team leader is as follows:
1) Dive in and learn everything you can up front about the business.
2) Determine that you are going to make this work no matter what else happens
3) Achieve EA, EA2 and Gold Fast Track your first ten days in the business (This implies getting on standing order)
4) Start advertising so that you can teach your team how to do that effectively (The implies setting up a blog