A big 2016 comes in a range of needs that pay each of use very handsomely. But some of those needs will take all of us to achieve as the TripleClicks Brand is not yet a household name here in the United States much less the rest of the world.
By household name I mean when shopping online people think of Amazon, Ebay, Wal-Mart, etc.. because they have seen these brands advertised millions of times. Since none of us affiliates have the resources to do the millions of dollars in advertising required to get there we must utilize our millions of affiliates to get thousands of ad views a month each month. We have to be on websites, blogs, classifies site, in the local newspaper, and with a little help from SFI and TripleClicks we might even be able to get a TV commercial we can air in our local markets made.
We need to keep wearing our TripleClicks branded gear and if we have the TripleClciks window decal still from the old Wave3 we need to keep using it and find new places to drive. Even if it doesn't have our affiliate link in it the advertising materials will still increase our sign ups because of brand awareness.
Likewise we need to have individual best buy products listed on social media fan pages and in twitter, and on our blogs in review format.
We need to stress the opportunity behind Personally Referred Members using the Share and Win links to invite friends and family to TripleClicks because the system will put those friends and family members under you as the sponsor so long as your PRM is not a PSA. This can eventually turn every new recruited PRM into dozens or even hundreds of PRM paying you commissions.
A big focus needs to be on the Penny Auctions at TripleClicks as it will attract a high number of PRM who will buy t-credits on standing order. When they set up to bid in the auctions and play Eager Zebra Games we will build customer loyalty and residual commissions month after month. To help this you can explain the Member Rewards Points and tell them that even losing bids earn MRP which can be turned into any of the thousands of products offered by nearly 6,000 global vendors.
TripleClicks itself is not hard to promote, off a single Twitter Tweet last night I gained a new PRM referral and it was an old tweet advertising Christmas Savings in time for Christmas Day. It was still in my automation system because I forgot to go in and delete it and 3 other similar post that were being drip fed every few days.
For you, just one PRM could bring hundreds of dollars in commissions a year from holiday shopping alone.
The other major need is 6,000 vendors is still very low and our 80,000+ product listings could use to be 200,000 listings by next Black Friday which is the day after the US Thanksgiving Holiday. More product listings mean more vendors competing for the same customers which in turn means lower prices and more local business options.
Where a PRM or Personally Referred Member may offer you 45% of the commission volume of the items they but a ECA or E-commerce Affiliate will pay you 10% of the CV on all of their sales even if I was the affiliate who referred the PRM or the member joined without a sponsor. Some of our ECA members sell hundreds of commission paying products a month and one good ECA meeting millions of potential customers could put thousands of dollars a year in your pocket so make sure to review and talk about the retail sellers program here at TripleClicks as well.
Affiliate Growth is the next target.
I put this last because most affiliates haven't paid attention to the lucrative and immediate income of promoting TripleClicks and instead rely on promoting affiliates in hopes they place a standing order instead to build their business. I didn't mention about but will tell you now that with PRM since they are not affiliates will pass their sales Vesa Points on to the affiliate who is their sponsor. Because of this an affiliate can make as little as one sale a month and maintain their EA2 rank without ever purchasing a standing order in this free to join program.
Versa Points Matching is nice and as you fill 6-12 levels it can be a massive income but no income is made without sales in the system and that means if your PSA don't buy a standing order you don't earn commissions and if you don't know how to generate TripleClicks sales commissions you wont be able to have them duplicate what you're not doing.
Still we need a constant stream of new affiliates who are well trained by their sponsors and SFI to promote TripleClicks because of attrition as weaker affiliates can't make enough money to keep them interested. In addition more people joining and more teams creating high value advertising co-ops, the kind that put TV commercials and Print Ads in play the greater that Brand Recognition becomes.
If you have 5 PSA with 1% mindsets willing to invest in their business you can each put $50 a month into running a non peak local market TV ad in a community around 100,000 people each month. If they have 5 serious 1% mindset affiliates that's 5 non peak ads or 2 peak viewing ads per month on separate networks., Get them 5 future diamond team leaders and the ads can go regional or even national. The more levels and affiliates joining that affordable co-op the faster you reach global markets like cable Business Networks and syndicated cooking shows etc..
This works well with PRM recruiting as well but above all don't disparage your PSA by calling them inactive or lazy in the forums, every prospect has potential to get active at any point. I know one member who was inactive for 7 years before finally realizing what was at his feet, he is now a higher level team leader with an amazing and profitable team. I myself was inactive for nearly a year due to health so there are still diamonds sitting among your inactive PSA as long as you don't run the off with your disappointment.
Keep learning more about promoting sales and telling them what you learned and sharing with them results without sharing your income to show them it can be done and you are doing it.
Have a blessed and prosperous 2016