One of the things is the expression you may have heard "It's a win win situation." This basically means that two people or two companies working together produce results that benefit each other. This would be the most beneficial in a situation such as what we are in here. SFI is busy putting tools in place to benefit affiliates. Likewise, affiliates take care of their end to build their team. As each end does their part, each end also benefits. A "win win" situation!
But that's standard and it is nothing new. So what would be the significant difference in what we could do this year that hasn't been done before? You see, it's not just about being good at something. If you are a coach, it's not just about being a good coach, it's about being the coach of all coaches right? That is the key that would put you over the top. Many people can be average, but not everyone can achieve excellence. So with a company such as SFI who is already at a level of excellence to ask how we can improve on excellence, we must also realize that even at this point we are not perfect. So then we set a standard and that standard has to be none other than perfection because you cannot reach anything higher.
So we must ask ourselves in what areas "WE" are lacking. We have to look at ourselves because nobody else is responsible for our life or for our future. It's not only important, but necessary that we take on this attitude if we are to forge ahead and have a big year in 2016. And we have to start with the right attitude NOW. It is the beginning of the year, let's not wait until later thinking we have time, because any time we wait is lost time right? So don't just strive to become a team leader, or if you are already TL, don't strive to just be a Diamond Team Leader, strive to be the best DTL anyone has every seen. Remember, DTL was not added in the beginning, it was added later. Which means as SFI continues to grow there is always a chance more TL levels can be added. Let's do something this year that breaks down the limits of what we have reached and what we can reach at this poing and AIM higher than ever before. Let's raise the bar and forge ahead, never looking back!
One of the things is the expression you may have heard "It's a win win situation." This basically means that two people or two companies working together produce results that benefit each other. This would be the most beneficial in a situation such as what we are in here. SFI is busy putting tools in place to benefit affiliates. Likewise, affiliates take care of their end to build their team. As each end does their part, each end also benefits. A "win win" situation!