SFI is a business of sales and relationship building. Make a commitment to get more sales and work on building better relationships with people.
To get more sales, you will need to do more advertising and marketing. The other alternative is to buy affiliates or co-op shares.
Use your relationship skills to get your prospects from your marketing efforts to convert into productive and active PSAs.
There are a ton of books and videos on the subject on relationship building in business on the Internet. Use a search engine like Google to find these resources. Make a habit to learn more about relationship building.
Remember relationship building is not being someone’s friend - it’s understanding people and knowing how they think. In other words, it’s relating to people. If you don’t understand your prospects and ultimately your leads, you will never be in the best position to help them.
2016 can be your best year as long as you commit to increasing your marketing efforts and increasing your people skills.