I'd rather be careful with the use of phone script.
Phone script can be a tricky marketing tool since just a few things will turn off a prospect faster than hearing a salesperson recite from a phone script.
If we intend to welcome new affiliate or do some warm marketing, it should be warm indeed. It should be sincere, honest, inspired, up to the moment situation and with our own words.
Bottom line: if you easily catch the jitters, you may write scripts using words and phrases that come naturally to you.
I'd rather be careful with the use of phone script.
Phone script can be a tricky marketing tool since just a few things will turn off a prospect faster than hearing a salesperson recite from a phone script.
If we intend to welcome new affiliate or do some warm marketing, it should be warm indeed. It should be sincere, honest, inspired, up to the moment situation and with our own words.
Bottom line: if you easily catch the jitters, you may write scripts using words and ...more