The things to do are:
1. Personalize all communication; Always write all messages and newsletter using words and phrases that make it look personal. From your welcome letters, address the letter using their "first name". SFI has simplified this by using the formula "~FIRSTNAME~". This approach makes member reading your message feel valued as well as special.
2. Compliments; Always compliment them, individually, when they achieve any goal or milestone. For my new PSAs, I compliment then,via the instant messenger, when they achieve VP of 100, 500, and 1000. This will make an affiliate know he/she is valued and also part of a special team.
3. Reward; Create a reward system in building a team. People feel special and valued when rewarded. The gift item can be TCredit, PSA, Gift certificate or product within your budget.
4. Open communication; Create an open communication that they can reach you. Always end your correspondences with phrases that show "How to reach you".
The things to do are:
1. Personalize all communication; Always write all messages and newsletter using words and phrases that make it look personal. From your welcome letters, address the letter using their "first name". SFI has simplified this by using the formula "~FIRSTNAME~". This approach makes member reading your message feel valued as well as special.
2. Compliments; Always compliment them, individually, when they achieve any goal or milestone. For my new PSAs, ...more