My answer will dwell on the key words of your question, VALUED, part of something SPECIAL.
To make members of your team feel valued and as members of something special is to do the following:
1. Treat them as valuable people who are part of Sfi a special affiliate program
2. Praise them when they do well.
3. Set goals for them are reward them if they meet up.
4. Give them gifts. Eg tcredit, Tcurrency,
5. You can equally use the key words on your question in talking to them, eg you are my valued team member and we are into something special SFI.
6. You can help them get sign ups by gifting out PSAs to them. Add to these 6 points all you know to do to make them feel valued and into something special.
My Regards and see you at the top soon.
My answer will dwell on the key words of your question, VALUED, part of something SPECIAL.
To make members of your team feel valued and as members of something special is to do the following:
1. Treat them as valuable people who are part of Sfi a special affiliate program
2. Praise them when they do well.
3. Set goals for them are reward them if they meet up.
4. Give them gifts. Eg tcredit, Tcurrency,
5. You can equally use the key words