Start with places where you are known or already have good friendships. This could be your workplace, your friendship spaces, your hobby areas, your home and family areas. If the trust is there it helps make the face to face recruitment easier. For example, if my work friends share the same interest for health products, fashion or home improvement, I start conversations about suitable products on TripleClicks. It may also be a common interest such as a group who is interested in working from home, part-time work and doing business, and this could be a place in which to begin the face to face recruitment conversation.
Great and challenging question.
Start with places where you are known or already have good friendships. This could be your workplace, your friendship spaces, your hobby areas, your home and family areas. If the trust is there it helps make the face to face recruitment easier. For example, if my work friends share the same interest for health products, fashion or home improvement, I start conversations about suitable products on TripleClicks. It may also be a common interest such as a ...more