The easiest way to do this is to keep a standing order of at least 3000 VP worth of products, but if you want to advance you'll need to either purchase more or sell more.
SFI makes it easy because your affiliate links are hard coded so that when you login at Triple Clicks your links will be in all the products, so basically no matter where you're at, Triple Clicks is YOU STORE.
If you've ever sold anything before, you know that selling is more about relationship building than pushing products, so just go out there and start making friends and share what you've been given.
The easiest way to do this is to keep a standing order of at least 3000 VP worth of products, but if you want to advance you'll need to either purchase more or sell more.
SFI makes it easy because your affiliate links are hard coded so that when you login at Triple Clicks your links will be in all the products, so basically no matter where you're at, Triple Clicks is YOU STORE.
If you've ever sold anything before, you know that selling is more about relationship building than ...more