Now that I have acquired Bronze Team Leader status with 3,000 VP, how can I maintain my monthly 3,000 VP and BTL status?
1.Just do the following free moves:
Maintain or have your Standing Order in place always. That's 1500 VPs.
Do the "To Do list" = 330 VPs per month for a 30 day- month, or 341 VPs for a 31-day month
Send Group support messages 120 VPs per month.
Give Stream posts equals 12 VPs per month @ 3 posts per week.
Rate your Sponsor equals 10VPs per month.
If you support a PSA, you'll get 100, 150,200, 250, or 300 VPS in becoming EA, BTL, STL, GTL or PTL accordingly. This of course will happen as soon as you've gathered enough PSAs.
Some SFI Basics pages also will give you points. Better go through them so you gather more VPs.
2. Now you can add whatever VPs you need through purchase. Remember though that as stated only 2000 VPs from purchases are counted towards the Team Leader position.
From my experience, I preferred buying TCredits(TC)s because you Earn VPs upon purchase. Then if you use this to Bid you'll Earn VPs too, a TC per Bid is equal to a VP. On top of that, 1 Bid is equal to 5 Member Rewards Points(MRP)s. In the process you gather MRPs which can be used to purchase items from TripleClicks, just like using it as money. So what you use to Bid comes back to you but the equivalence is smaller. Just think that you've already thrown it away when you bid but it still can be helpful in a way.
3. Sell TripleClicks items and you're on your way to lots of VPs.
Following those steps will assure you of your BTL position. Good luck!
Now that I have acquired Bronze Team Leader status with 3,000 VP, how can I maintain my monthly 3,000 VP and BTL status?
1.Just do the following free moves:
Maintain or have your Standing Order in place always. That's 1500 VPs.
Do the "To Do list" = 330 VPs per month for a 30 day- month, or 341 VPs for a 31-day month
Send Group support messages 120 VPs per month.
Give Stream posts equals 12 VPs per month @ 3 posts per week.
Rate your Sponsor equals 10VPs