Your question contains two parts: How can we have our team members benefit from the W3 program with conditions:
1. Who are new to the Internet.
2. Do not want to use the Social Media platforms.
In fact, it makes simple for us to help them if they are new to the Internet. Just teach them about ‘Safe Lists, Traffic Exchanges, Text Ad Exchange Programs.
Then they can promote text Ads of W3 programs using Safe Lists. They can upload their W3 link on traffic exchanges & browse them for half an hour daily.
Similarly they need to read some Text Ads of other members on Text Ad Programs and also upload their text ad of W3 program for other members to read.
In the process of doing these activities, they won’t be new to the Internet. And may be, they would start liking to use Social media also by that time.
Your question contains two parts: How can we have our team members benefit from the W3 program with conditions:
1. Who are new to the Internet.
2. Do not want to use the Social Media platforms.
In fact, it makes simple for us to help them if they are new to the Internet. Just teach them about ‘Safe Lists, Traffic Exchanges, Text Ad Exchange Programs.
Then they can promote text Ads of W3 programs using Safe Lists. They can upload ...more