Good day Jacqueline,
This is very interesting and i must say that at a time, i was in a similar situation like you and i was able to overcome the fears of such individuals.
Being that the individual is new to the internet and willing to learn, one can first of all assist her/him in getting familar with some common terms and sites people regularly visit. If individual resides in your country of residence, its alot easier as you can decide to meet such individual one on one with your laptop or he can bring his so that you can assist and teach him some basis things on the internet, help him/her know about SFI basic and the online shop Tripleclicks.
Once individual is conversant with Triple Clicks, Pricebenders Auctions, T credits and Eager Zebra Games, you can now introduce the Wave 3 programme to him highlighting such points:-
1. First and formost, we need to be a wave 3 member (Lead by example).
2. Once you are a member, you let your PSAs know its free to join at no extra cost.
3. They simply have to refer a friend to TC using one of the special "Share & Win" links found on all product and auction detail pages.
4. For the referral made, you get 120 days free membership
5. Once they have referred someone to wave 3, they become your PRM for life
6. They also get W3 member badge on your TripleClicks page and SFI homepage
7. They will also get free monthly Member Listing.
8. Free monthly download of the TC Songs of the month.
9. They also get additional 10% discount on any one day's Deal of the Month of your choice each month.
10. For each TC spent by your referrals, you will earn a free bonus entry in Daily Crown Drawing for that day (max. 5 bonus entries per day) for a full year. Thus you can win T-credits, MRPs, gift certificates etc. for free without investment.
11. You can earn unlimited MRP when your referrals buy and win. When one of your referral play Card King and he/she posts a top-50 score within 10 days, you automatically earn 300 MRPs.
12. You can win unlimited TCredits, a Lifetime 10% Zackpot Matches of any Eager Zebra Zackpot winnings of your PRMs. But, to receive this benefits they must have to make a minimum $20 cash purchase at TripleClicks and play same game on same day or period as the winning PRM.
13. By referring lots of TC members you will get additional recognition.
14. You will get free W3 promotional aids such as banners for your blogs, etc.
15. Recognition on leaderboard being the top enroller.
These are the benefits and I am sure that your downline that was initially skeptical on using a social platform would be motivated to do so, or he or she can decide just to play the Ezebra games and invite his or her friends via the Challenge link after each game played or "Share & Win" link provided on each product.
Alternatively, the PSA in question can also advertise by word of mouth to family, friends and relations on the new wave 3 product.
Also, the affiliate in question can use both paid and unpaid advertisement to get his gateway link being posted, use of tripleclicks x cards as warm marketing to distribute at car wash, schools, shops, restaurants etc.
Also, if the affiliate has a website or blog, he can drive traffic to his blog by placing wave 3 banners on his board, use of splash pages would also help as well.
Remember, a determined individual using majority of these methods above would not only benefit from joining the wave 3 programme but also duplicating his actions with the help of his/her sponsors.
Hope I was able to help.
See you at the top and all the best.