If you were on my team, in order to get maximum support from me, you have to show that you are willing to do the work involved to help build the business.
I look for members who are getting Fast-Track qualified. I also review my members tab daily to see who is working, you should be earning max VP everyday to ensure that you are on your upline's movers tab.
In essence, I work with the workers as recommended by Gery in SFI's training. To capture your upline's attention, do the work, but also keep in contact with them and ask questions, give them updates.
I hope this serves you and finds you well and in good spirits!
If you were on my team, in order to get maximum support from me, you have to show that you are willing to do the work involved to help build the business.
I look for members who are getting Fast-Track qualified. I also review my members tab daily to see who is working, you should be earning max VP everyday to ensure that you are on your upline's movers tab.
In essence, I work with the workers as recommended by Gery in SFI's training. To capture your upline's attention, do ...more