You are given a wide variety of ways to communicate with your downline team in SFI. One important thing to consider is what do you communicate in order to be effective. You can offer incentives and contests. You can tell them about the latest changes in TripleClicks and how that affects them. You can send them short motivational stories or video clips. You announce the latest contest, auction and game winners on your team. You can also acknowledge all those who are moving on in the business. You can even include a short biography about some of the people in your business. You want your team to develop a sense of community.
One extremely powerful tool in your communication arsenal is your Genealogy. This allows you to communicate with the whole group, or select individuals in your group, with messages specific to them. This can allow you to address both the active and inactive team members at the same time, or to separate out which ones you want to communicate with.
Another way I particularly like is the Stream. You can use this to contact all your active downline affiliates with useful tips and short motivational messages. It is also a good way to acknowledge those achievers in your business.
A really handy way to communicate is using the E-Cards that SFI provides. These are designed for very short messages to help you build a relationship with your team. They are also designed to reflect a little bit of your personality, making the business more human.
You also can tell if your downline affiliates are online, so you can try to engage them in conversation. This can be very effective. People want to connect with the human side of the business, and this part of you comes out best in these two-way conversations.
You should start out with an E-Card greeting followed up by simplified email instructions on building the business. You often can send email letters to them detailing exactly what they need to do to get to the next level in the business. You can reward affiliates for achieving certain levels in the business like 1000 VP, EA, EA2 and above. The most important thing is to show that you genuinely care about them and their business, and that you want them to succeed.
Any and all of these communication methods should be used to communicate. Reserve your longer winded messages to emails.
You are given a wide variety of ways to communicate with your downline team in SFI. One important thing to consider is what do you communicate in order to be effective. You can offer incentives and contests. You can tell them about the latest changes in TripleClicks and how that affects them. You can send them short motivational stories or video clips. You announce the latest contest, auction and game winners on your team. You can also acknowledge all those who are moving on in the business. You